Supply Critical Hygiene Items to Families in Pokrovs'k

We aim to supply hygiene items and baby formulas to people who lost their homes – families with children and the disabled – in Pokrovs'k, the Donetsk region. Donate and support this mission to help the most vulnerable in war.

Run by UkraineNow & The Shield

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Pokrovs’k is a city in the Eastern Ukraine located just 50 km from the frontline.
Hostile artillery doesn’t reach Pokrovsk, yet, it’s not the case for hundreds of small villages nearby.

This is why hundreds of families with children have come here looking for safety. Their homes were shelled, or are currently shelled, so they settle in Pokrovsk hoping to return when the situation gets better.

Yet, Pokrovs’k suffers war consequences, too – the city infrastructure has been heavily damaged. For some, hygiene becomes a real struggle. Infants and disabled people need special care daily. Without a constant water supply, it becomes extremely challenging for locals.

For example, in Ukraine, the monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years is only UAH 860 (~$24), and the price of just one pack of diapers, which is enough for a week, is UAH 600 (~$16).

How We Can Help

With funding, we can deliver and distribute diapers, wet wipes, baby formula to people who were forced to leave their homes.

“If the issue with food can still be resolved somehow, then the issue of hygiene is acute. There is very often no centralized water supply in the city, sometimes even for a week.”
- Mariia, volunteer of the "Shield"

The non-profit organization "Shield" will be distributing them to 50 most vulnerable families in Pokrovs'k (like families with infants, many children, and single mothers), as well as about 30 elderly people and those who cannot take care of themselves (the disabled and people with reduced mobility).

    Become the Change You Want to See

    Until the issue is resolved, we want to support people who were forced to leave their homes as long as we can. War is not getting easier for them. Make a change with any small contribution.

    Donate to support people

    About NGO "Shield"

    NGO "Shield" is a non-profit organisation based in Pokrovs'k, Donetsk region, Ukraine. Located close to the frontline, it focuses on providing immediate help to citizens.

    "Shield" delivers and distributes humanitarian aid to the frontline territories as well as provides essential survival and educational training to civilians in the Donetsk region.

    About UkraineNow

    UkraineNow is a non-profit organization based in the USA, comprised of volunteers across the world. Our goal is to provide immediate humanitarian help to Ukrainians and other nations on the ground. 

    We partner with organizations and volunteers to make the impact happen in a matter of weeks instead of months.

    $549,619 fundraised

    $520,945 spent on initiatives