$456,073 - that’s how much you helped us fundraise since the war started.
Every time I look at this number I’m amazed and grateful for the amount of good we’ve done with it, from evacuations to helping refugee families across the world. Everyone’s contribution as little or big was a part of it, and you should be proud, thank you 🙏
But the sad reality is that the financial support is almost gone these days. It’s been a harsh summer for us financially, going from -$30,000 in debt to having 20k in the bank again and spending it right away on immediate trips such as the last one we did to Kharkiv.
One of our last trips in July, overstocked bus with aid:
So that’s why I’m writing to you today, to see if we can internally fundraise for some critical trips we are planning.
And it’s not that much money we need, we have almost 6000 volunteers and we need $5,350 to keep this line of work going.
That’s literally a dollar from each person such as you 🙏
Here's an estimated proposal to help with:

Meanwhile, we are working with Ukrainian digital marketing agency to get a better fundraising strategy in place. Separate landing page for this project and ad creatives etc. Fortunately we got $10,000 in ad credits granted from Google so our priority is to make sure we utilize those asap.
Also, we as an organization are making some critical decisions on the next stage of our operations. One of the priorities of ours is to help organizations on the ground do things better, faster and most importantly cheaper using technology solutions. More on that soon!